Stay in touch with how you feel so things do not fester.
- I feel strong and resilient in the face of adversity, knowing that challenges
only make me stronger.
- I Feel Powerful
- I feel grateful for the abundance of blessings and opportunities in my life.
- I feel confident in my abilities and trust in my capacity to overcome any
- I Feel Amazing
- I Feel Calm
- I feel at peace with who I am and embrace my uniqueness with pride.
- I Feel Motivated
- I feel empowered to take control of my life and shape my own future.
- I feel connected to the world around me, knowing that my presence and
actions make a positive impact.
- I Feel Inspired
- I feel inspired by the endless possibilities that each new day brings.
- I feel loved and supported by those around me, knowing that I am deserving
of kindness and compassion.
- I feel joy bubbling within me, fueling my enthusiasm for life and all its
- I feel unstoppable, ready to embrace challenges and turn them into
opportunities for growth and success.
- I Feel Loved